Long Runs, Tempo Runs, & AAA

My legs ache. 

I don't mind. It's the kind of ache that comes from using them.

I had some long, fast runs this week. On Thursday, Barefoot Josh was kind enough to agree to drive to Greensboro with me for a 10-mile tempo. (Side note: What kind of training plan takes you from a 4-mile tempo run one week to a 10-mile tempo the next? Those Furman people are sadists.) Our run turned out a little different than planned when, less than one mile in, I realized I'd locked my keys in my car. Luckily, Josh had his cell phone. Josh called his wife, who looked up the # for AAA, relayed the number to us, and we got a rep on the phone.

"I'll send someone out right away," said the rep.


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Why A Bad Run Can Be A Good Thing

Thank you, God, for keeping me humble...

This was the refrain going through my mind yesterday morning as I struggled to complete the last 20-mile run of my training. And struggled is the word. I knew I was in trouble around mile 14 when I started slowing on what was already a slow pace day. All I had to do was hold an 8:50 pace. At this point in my training, that should be a no-brainer. But glances at my Garmin showed me my pace was creeping up to an 8:52... 8:55. I'd speed up to lower it back down but it's fighting a losing battle at that point as the speeding up sucks any remaining energy from you. 

I was having a hard time mentally with the fact that the run wasn't going well. Lately I've been not only nailing my paces  for runs but often beating them. I wanted to end this last long run on a high note. Instead, it was a reality check.

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Pass the Duct Tape - 23 Days Until The Chicago Marathon

It's 23 days until the Chicago Marathon and I've resorted to bribing my body to hold it together. "Stay healthy, sweetie, and Mommy will buy you some pretty new matching underwear for after your race!" type thinking. 

The body is starting to, if not exactly fall apart, show some wear and tear at the seams. The right leg pinching I had last year is back with a vengeance although, thankfully, it rarely hurts when I run. I rolled my right foot earlier this summer and there's some lingering tightness there. My left bicep (WTF??) feels like there are tendons tangled up in it and it's getting harder to raise the arm above my head. 

None of it is debilitating or prevents me from running.

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The Stationary Bike: My New Nemesis

I rode my stationary bike today. Given the level of mental and physical effort involved, I kind of feel like there should be a parade thrown in my honor or at least some sort of commerative plaque involved. Barring that, I'll give you a rundown on how it went.

Today's FURMAN workout called for 45 minutes on the bike. Seven minutes at an easy pace, 30 minutes at a moderate pace, and 8 minutes cooldown at an easy pace.

I haven't been on a bike in years so I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I also went in thinking of all the leg muscles I've built up from running the past several years and that I was only being asked to do a moderate workout.

"It will be a little challenging but not too bad," were my thoughts as I hopped on the bike and started the timer. "I've got this."

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