The Stationary Bike: My New Nemesis

I rode my stationary bike today. Given the level of mental and physical effort involved, I kind of feel like there should be a parade thrown in my honor or at least some sort of commerative plaque involved. Barring that, I'll give you a rundown on how it went.

Today's FURMAN workout called for 45 minutes on the bike. Seven minutes at an easy pace, 30 minutes at a moderate pace, and 8 minutes cooldown at an easy pace.

I haven't been on a bike in years so I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I also went in thinking of all the leg muscles I've built up from running the past several years and that I was only being asked to do a moderate workout.

"It will be a little challenging but not too bad," were my thoughts as I hopped on the bike and started the timer. "I've got this."

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