Good Vs. Bad Service

I like rewarding good service. That’s why on Monday, after two young men from Play It Again Sports spent well over an hour wrestling our home gym out the door, down the steps, and onto their truck, and did so with smiles and upbeat attitudes, I immediately e-mailed the store to let them know how much I appreciated their workers and what great service they offered. The store supervisor e-mailed back to say:

Thanks a bunch! It seems as though we only hear about the bad things these days… so it’s always nice to hear the good things.

That being said, I have to admit I’m quick to react to bad service. I don’t always point it out, unless I think doing so will actually alter the situation, and I do try to keep in mind that everyone has their off days. But Blair and I experienced bad service on such a new level the other day that no “I’m having a bad day” excuse could cover it.

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