Talking 'Bout a Res-o-lu-tion

Art From Hubpages.comSo how's everyone doing with those New Year resolutions? It's been less than a week but I thought I'd report on how the New Year is shaping up, what's working, what's not, and potential areas of concern. 

The Resolve: Drink 64 oz. of water each day.

The Reality: Pretty close. I've finished off the 64 ounces four out of six days and came close on the other two. I find it difficult to reach the goal if I leave the house. At home I carry around a massive water jug and sip constantly from a straw. Out and about, I'm more likely to order a coffee and nix the water. Still, heading in the right direction. 

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New Year's Resolutions for 2010

Long time readers of this blog know that I LUV ME some New Year resolutions. Really, anything in list-format gets me excited and New Year resolutions are the mother of all lists. So without further adieu, here are my resolutions/goals/hopes/dreams for 2010:

REDUCE TV VIEWING. This is a carryover resolution from last year. It worked beautifully until about October, when we slid off the wagon. But we're back on and more strict than ever. We'll record So You Think You Can Dance, Glee, and Modern Family and watch back with no commercials. We're cutting out Biggest Loser (maybe- I waver on this) and Big-Bang Theory. Otherwise, no TV except to watch the occasional movie or football game (Blair) and absolutely no channel flipping. 

SOUP. Yes, you read that right. Soup. Soup is my goal for the new year. I have a Vita-Mix which is the world's coolest blender/food processor all in one and I want to start using it more. Specifically, I want to make healthy, homemade soups to eat before each meal, ideally filling myself up so I eat smaller portions at lunch and dinner. It's also a great way to get in my servings of vegetables, which I'm bad about eating. So, 2010- year of Soup. 

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