Moving Diaries: Light Up My Life

Now that we're a bit more settled in Barbie's Dream Home, you may be wondering how Blair and I are spending our time. Are we creating gourmet meals in the chef's kitchen? Snuggling in front of the fireplace? Planning the elaborate dinners we'll host?

Nope. We spend most of our free time trying to figure out light switches. 

I have never seen so many light features in my life. The kitchen alone has eight switches. Eight! The other night I forbade Blair from turning off the counter top kitchen lights because the dishwasher was running and we weren't entirely sure which switch needed to remain on.


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Moving Diaries: The Price Of A New House

Who knew a mortgage was only the beginning? As I work through packing up our current home, I'm keeping a running list of "Things To Buy For Our Move to Barbie's Dream Home." So far I've got:

  • 2 sets shower curtains and 3 sets of bath mats
  • Bookshelves - 5 to 8 of them. Not kidding. We packed 30 boxes today, all of them books from the built-in bookshelves that our current home has and our new home does not. Prompting me to look at Blair about 1 p.m. today and ask, "Where the hell are we going to put all these books?!"
  • Flat screen TV (okay, so we're late adapters)
  • Shoe racks
  • Decorative cotton ball holder 
  • Vanity chair for master bath
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Moving Diaries: Choose Your Words Carefully

Blair and I spent the afternoon packing the library and front room. We were pulling photo albums and stray pictures out of a cabinet, deciding what stays and what goes. 

"Is this your mom?" Blair asked, handing me a photo of a 10-year-old blonde girl with a bow in her hair that had been laquered within an inch of its life to a piece of wood (woodshop project, 7th grade). 

"Yes," I said. 

"And what about this little fella here?" said Blair, handing me a picture of a chubby baby in a blue sweater sitting on a couch. "Is this your dad?"

"That's me, you igit," I said. 

Things took an ugly turn from there. 
