20th High School Reunion

Guess what came in the mail last week? An announcement that my 20th (Dear God) High School Reunion will take place August 2nd in dear old Vandalia (claim to fame: 1st crossroads in America), Ohio.

Do I go? Not go? I haven't a clue. Upon receiving the invitation, I raced to my computer to e-mail the 3 people from HS I actually keep in touch with, only to find 3 messages waiting for me reading, "R U going???"

In times of stress, I fall back on list-making. So allow me a moment to clear my head.

Reasons to Attend:

* There are 3-4 people I wouldn't mind catching up with.

  • I'm thinner and in better shape right now then I ever have been. (Probably the BEST reason to attend. Work it.)
  • High school still seems just like yesterday to me. It might be fun to visit that world and see what has changed.

Reasons Not to Attend:

  • What if nothing has changed?
  • Not sure I'm up for the self-inflicted frenzy of perfect hair/dress/nails/perfume/life chaos that will ensue.
  • Time and money. It's an 8 hour drive, $50 for a bad chicken dinner I can't even eat, and Blair will probably be bored out of his mind.

The due date to RSVP is July 15th. I suspect I'll be up late the night of the 14th, debating yes/no. Any thoughts on this? I remember being young and my mom talking about attending her 20th reunion and how old I thought she must be, to be out of high school twenty years.

That karma will come back to bite you. =)