You Can't Hide Knitting

I may have to tamper my newfound enthusiasm for knitting.  The reason is there's no way to hide from your spouse if you've spent the day working on a scarf versus doing work that actually stands a chance of bringing in any money.

Blair come home yesterday and asked how my day was. 

"Great!" I replied.  "I finished a draft of my networking article and found some sources for my next Art Jewelry marketing column and did some work on my novel."

Then a few minutes later we sat down to watch TV and I pulled out the scarf I'm working on, which had grown a good 3 inches in length since he'd seen it the night before.  "Um, tell me again how you spent your day?" he said.

Busted!  I did do all those other things.  But I also spent an hour and a half in the middle of the day, knitting.  It's just a wonderful breather from the stressors waiting for me at the computer. 

But alas, I must set aside my needles during the day. But that's okay because it still leaves nights.  My best friend Trisha called me tonight from Texas where she's staying on business.  "What are you doing tonight?" I asked. 

"Oh, I'm going to have some wine and a light snack, go see the Alamo, and maybe meet up with clients for a late dinner. And you?"

"There's a two-hour episode of American Idol on tonight and I'm going to knit while I watch it."

It's really sad, how far I've fallen socially in such a brief period of time. Maybe I'll knit myself a "I am not a loser" t-shirt to cheer myself up.