Right On Schedule

What's right on schedule? Why, my annual fall resolution to focus on book writing to the exclusion of all else.

If you're a client of mine reading this, not to worry. It's a phase. It will pass. It's just that every November, like clockwork, I decide that client work is a distraction from what I really want to be doing and I can't possibly be expected to work and write a novel. (And train for marathons, and have coffee with friends, and pet the cats, and cook whole, natural foods, and become a P90-X badass, and everything else I make time for in life. Of all those, the only thing that makes sense to dump is anything income-producing.)

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The Wide World of Writing Projects, aka "Neurosis 101"

I don't blog about clients. Bad for business. Not that I have anything bad to say about them (I have really great clients), but not everyone is comfortable seeing their project's details splayed about on a blog for the whole world--or my 10 devoted readers--to see. 

Not blogging about clients is probably for my own protection as well. A new or potential client doesn't need to stumble across my blog and read about how I'm making stuff up as I go, I went to noon yoga instead of working on their deadline, or that one of my cats barfed on their project draft. (Not that any of that happens around here. Uh-uh. Nope. NEVER.)

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