Keurig: Customer Service As It Should Be

My cousin is an early adopter and it was at her home that I was first introduced to the joys of the Keurig coffee machine. This was years and years ago, long before Keurigs started showing up in every doctor's office, salon, and real estate open house. To me, the Keurig was the height of indulgence. A cup of coffee brewed just for me? My cousin even had the little turnstile so I could spin around my choices - hazelnut, vanilla, mocha, organic... Oh, heavenly coffee machine! I lusted after one. 

Unfortunately, I am married to a man who loves--brace yourselves--instant coffee. He had no interest in having a variety of coffees at our fingertips and I couldn't justify the cost to buy the machine just for me, so I let it go. 

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AnaZar Fashion Boutique

Do you ever have those days where you just know you were in the right place at the right time? I "discovered" my favorite new store IN THE WORLD today. AnaZar Boutique in the Oak Ridge Shopping Center. Love, love, LOVE this store!

I found the store after meeting a friend for lunch. I'm in desperate need of jeans and though I was unfamiliar with the store and actually on my way into Greensboro to shop I thought, "I should check them out."

For the record, I'm easily intimidated in boutiques. I'm fashion challenged and have no idea what goes with what. I so often feel like the sales people in these places are looking at my ho-hum wardrobe and thinking to themselves, "She dared leave the house in that and thinks she's going to shop in MY store? Mm-hmm." 

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