Ignite Charlotte - Fizzled Out

For those who didn't see my FB post, I will NOT be speaking at Ignite Charlotte 5 this coming Tuesday. I was unable to complete my slide deck before I left for Italy and they couldn't accept the deck once I got back.

The event organizer was quite gracious about the whole thing--much more so then I would have been. I've organized my fair share of events and am (I'm now embarrassed to say) snide about people who fall short on their commitments. "Do these people not own a calendar?" I ask. "How hard it is to do what you say you're going to do?"

Lesson: We become what we mock. 

I have my reasons for being unable to complete my deck before my trip, but the bottom line is I knew I was cutting it close getting the slides prepared. I didn't leave any room for contingencies that might arise and, as this blog post shows, a few landmines blew up. I should have started the process much earlier. 

The good news is I don't think I burned any bridges and I'm still interested in participating in an Ignite event. You can bet the next time, I'll have my deck ready before I even send my application in.

Best Wishes to all the Ignite Charlotte 5 speakers!!


Dealing With Curveballs

Sometimes life doesn't flow the way you want it to. This week, for example, is a train wreck.

Blair and I leave soon for Italy. Poor guy came down with a horrible cold on Monday. Bad, but as the eternal optimists our thoughts were, "Yea! At least he's getting it out of the way before we leave on our trip." As I type these words, I'm listening to him in the bathroom, gagging. Not better. Worse. And facing a 24-hour travel day in the very near future. 

My throat has started tickling and I'm just praying the excitement over the trip will stave off any impending illness. That, and I think I may drink a lot in the next 24-hours to kill off any germs. ;)

Then there's Snowball, our newly adopted cat. I arrived home yesterday to find his left eye practically sealed shut. No idea what's going on there, except now I have to find time in an already frantic day to get him to the vet and then, more then likely, explain to our house sitter that not only will she be feeding our cats for the week, but she'll also more than likely be required to catch and sit on a cat while attempting to administer eye drops. 

My speech for Ignite Charlotte is written, but today must must MUST be devoted to pulling the slides together. I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it. 

Then there are the last minute details to attend to - visits to the bank and post office, return library books, write up instructions for the house sitter, last minute cleaning and laundry and--oh yeah--I haven't PACKED anything yet. 

But I can't think about any of that right now. I'm leaving in a few minutes to meet friends for a 20-mile run and I'm grateful. I'm feeling edgy and scattered and I know a long run, where I have no choice but to put one foot in front of the other for hour after hour, is going to calm and center me. Exhaust me as well, but calm and center me. 

I'll get everything done because you know what? I always do. Blair will rally, I won't get sick, we'll get medicine in Snowball and we will have a glorious time roaming all over Italy. 

I'm going to knock these curveballs out of the park. 



When The Speech Writer Needs A Speech Writer

Remember that entry I posted recently about how I'm one of 15 speakers that will be presenting at Ignite Charlotte 5? My deck (list of PowerPoint slides) is due next Friday. Before I can pull together my deck, I have to write my speech. "Write Speech For Ignite Charlotte" has been on my to-do list for the past month. 

I have yet to write a word.

I am on the borderline of having a massive panic attack about this. 

I have two choices. I can either sit down and do the work, or I can meet Blair for an afternoon of drinking and eating nachos. 

Guess which option I'm going with?



Ignite Charlotte 5

Mark your calendars! Tuesday, September 25th is the 5th annual Ignite Charlotte series and yours truly is one of the 15 speakers presenting.

What is Ignite Charlotte? From their website:

"Enlighten us, but make it quick” is the mantra for [worldwide] Ignite talks. During Ignite Charlotte, members from the community will share their personal or professional passions using 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total talk time of 5 minutes.  

How did I become involved? Apparently I decided that having a book due to my editor, traveling to Italy, doing client work and training for a marathon wasn't enough to keep me busy. My friend David Horne sent me a link to the Ignite Charlotte website and--on a whim--I sent in an application. I was equal parts pleased and horrified when I found out I'd been selected. 

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