Day of Errands

Today is one of those days where I'm moving nonstop all day, but not technically getting much of any "real" work done. I don't mind. I like the luxury of allowing myself a "catch-up-on-life" day every now and again.

It's 10 AM and so far I've baked a quiche, cleaned the upstairs, run 2 loads of laundry, packaged Lessons In Stalking books to mail out (orders - yea!), combed Lucy, recharged my iPod, gone through and DEALT WITH all remaining e-mails, called the vet to have Lucy's medicine ready to pick-up, compiled a bag of clothes to take to Goodwill, cleaned the kitchen, and attended to a few on-line projects.

Still in my future, the actual trip to Goodwill, pick up Lucy's medicine, post office, bank, fire department (to drop off 15 year old fire extinguisher), call and schedule a Lawn Service, lay out clothes to pack, run, at-home yoga, and yes, maybe some actual work in the afternoon. 

It's a dreary, overcast, chilly day... perfect for running errands! My one goal in life is to be caught up. Hasn't happened just yet, but any day now that should be kicking in.

Then I'll be on top of everything for the rest of my life. That's how it works, right?