Buying A New Notebook

It's the small things in life that bring me pleasure. Like shopping for a new notebook. I probably spent 20 minutes in Eckerd's yesterday, roaming the paper aisle in search of the perfect notebook. Had a great time. Compared colors (am I feelin' the dark blue or neon green cover?), debated the virtue of spiral bound vs. tear out, and then there was the whole size issue. I typically buy your standard 8 1/2 by 11 pad, but have recently discovered the joys of the composition size notebook (9 3/4 x 7 1/2). It's much less intimidating to face a blank page when it's smaller.

However, I surprised myself and walked away with a honkin' big notebook, bigger than legal pad size, spiral bound at the top. The novelty of it grabbed me. Any way one can introduce freshness into the writing life is a good thing. I also grabbed a couple of the composition notebooks as there was a sale, 2 for $1. (And oh, how happy was I?)

Luuuuuv supply shopping. Drop me off in an Office Depot and let me roam the aisles and I'm a happy camper. I think my total purchase price for all 3 notebooks and gum was something like $6.38. Happy happpy joy joy. Money and time well spent.