Ever The Self-Promoter...

It’s embarrassing to admit but I’m taking several copies of my book with me on our trip. There is no logical reason for this as packing space is already tight and it may come down to making the call between the books or a fourth pair of black shoes (the only ones that go with that skirt), which is frightening. But more frightening is that I’m taking the books because…who knows? Maybe something will pan out.

I beg shops to sell the book in America but have this notion that I will show up on the shores of England, whip out the book and hear bells toll in ancient castles as shopkeepers across the UK weep, “We’ve been waiting for a jolly-good cat book like this one. Thank the Queen you’ve arrived!” (I doubt people living in the UK say, “Thank the Queen,” but I’ve no idea yet what they do say, so thanking the Queen it is).

What am I going to do if I find a shop that actually wants it? Spend the shipping costs to ship 2 copies of one book to England? Ha! And yet…that’s exactly what I’d do. Because then I’d be an international author. Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it? Yes, this needs to happen. I’ll shove a cat book down some poor country storekeeper’s throat if I have to…

God Save The Queen.