I'm an auto columnist

I received a call this afternoon from an editor at the News & Record, our area paper.  I write the occasional job-search column for them and fill in on assignments.  So we say our hello's and the editor says, "I wanted to talk to you because we're expanding our auto section."

I laughed.  "I'm scared to wonder how that might even remotely involve me, but please continue." I mean really, I am that woman that if someone asks what kind of car I drive, I say "white."

What they're looking for is someone to write very brief weekly profiles on people who work at dealerships and also a sort of "why I love my car segment."  The hardest part about both pieces is I have to take photos.  I take the world's worst photos.

The schedule and pay rate was explained to me.  "So, are you interested?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.  "If only because I want to inform friends and family that I'm an auto columnist.  Their reactions alone should be worth it."

So come October, baby, rev up your engines, because the auto writer is in town! (As a side note, my personal goal is not to use the term "rev up your engines" in a single column I write.  I still have my pride).