Participating in a Panel Group of Writers

We returned this AM from our trip to the mountains to see the Highland Games (see "Highland Games" entry) and I ran a quick shower and then dashed into downtown Greensboro to participate in a writer's panel sponsored by the Writer's Group of the Triad (WGOT).

I must say, there was a certain feeling of having "arrived" as a writer in being asked to sit on the panel and have a roomful of people looking to you for advice.  I can only hope I didn't disappoint.  Actually, I was really more secondary to the panel.  Most people in the room appeared to have an interest in how to publish their book--either fiction or non-fiction--they're working on. 

I was floored by the turnout.  32 people! When Blair said good-bye and asked me how many people we thought would attend I shrugged and said it could be as low as five and we'd be happy with 12-15.  It shows me how many people have the desire to write and be heard.  I think there's a little place in all our hearts where we long to live on a bit past our days, maybe imparting humor, wisdom or knowledge for those that follow.

I wish I'd thought to bring a camera to the event.  I usually carry one but we'd packed it for our trip and I didn't think to take it along.

I'm drop dead tired.  It's 8:20 and I'll consider it a successful night if my eyes stay open until 9.  However, before I go to bed I've got to have Blair go over his notes with me from where he proofread the LIS book this afternoon, catch up on some e-mails with my website designer, mail checks to the petsitter and the final installment to my book cover designer, and answer about 8 of the 52 e-mails that were waiting to greet me when I got home.

Or promise myself I'll get up early in the morning and do it then.  Ah ha ha!!! (evil laugh).