Early Morning Cat Chat

SCENE: Dena at her desk, madly typing away, trying to get a bit of work done before it's time to leave for her radio interview. Into the room wanders a large black and white blob. It is Lucy_Cat

Lucy: Mrow.

Dena: Hi, baby.

Lucy: MROW.

Dena: I don't have time to pet you, sweetie.

Lucy places herself at feet of busy writer. Sighs and gazes upward: Mrow? Mrrr-ow?

Dena: Later, I promise.

Lucy: whine-whine-whine

Dena: Stop it!

Lucy: Eh-eh-whine-mrrr-eh-eh-eh-mrrr...

Dena relents and reaches down to give the blob a quick scratch behind the ears.

Lucy: Purrr.

Dena returns to her work.

Lucy: ACK-ACK-ACK-MROW. Eh-eh-eh-whine-eh-eh..

Dena: Enough!

Sullen silence.

Lucy: Mrow? Mow? Mow? Mrrr-ow?

After banging her head fruitlessly on her desk, busy writer relents and spends 10 minutes combing a purring cat who informs her the bonding is over by reaching back to bite her hand. Writer returns to desk. In wanders fuzzy furball #2, Olivia.

Olivia: Mew? Mew? Mew?

Repeat scene.

Not even 8 AM and I've already been emotionally manipulated by two creatures small enough to fit into a grocery sack. And I wonder why I'm not more productive.