Successful Speech

My speech was a success. I didn't include everything I meant to but that's the beauty of public speaking - no one knows that but me. I'm happy to have it behind me though. I have so much work to do my head is spinning and I don't know which way is up. 5 articles coming due (4 of which still need researched), a new class I'm teaching in July on Magazine Writing that I still have to pull the syllabus and materials together for, marketing follow-up, I'm looking to move my blogs to a new forum ( and need to investigate how that might work, I've ignored my public speaking book--supposedly a priority--for close to a month now, and I've got a towering pile of memos and scraps of paper and "to be read" material teetering on the edge of my desk that threatens to topple over and smother the cats.

I've got ideas for 2 new articles which is a joke at the moment as I can't handle what's on my plate. I had to tell my best friend not to come for a visit this weekend just b/c I'm so behind.

It's difficult to judge how drastic the situation is though. I'm not happy unless I'm operating 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I like lots of leeway in case something goes horribly awry. It almost never does, but I like the cushion. So I'm not really behind at this point. I'm more on schedule which to me feels way behind. (Except for not having anything ready for that class. Yeah, I'm screwing myself on that).

Lots more to talk about. I'll use a separate post to start the decorating drama theme.