You've got to be kidding me...

It's like a poorly written sit-com. Squirrels in house. Perky upbeat couple determine to battle squirrels. Chaos ensues. In the end, cute furry rodents belittle couple, to audience's delight.

Critter Control was back out yesterday and reset the squirrel trap. I watched out the upstairs window this morning as a squirrel climbed into the trap, nosed around, and then merrily scampered out. My only thought was, "You've got to be kidding me."

I know if I go out there and wave my hand in the trap the steel door will slam down, so I'm leaving well enough alone. But to stand and watch the little beasts roam in and out of the trap while indulging on free's all a bit much.

Had to turn in my author bio for the several stories potentially being accepted for Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul. Had a big to-do with several friends on whether or not it was appropriate or a turn-off to refer to my cats as "demonic" in nature. Half liked it and thought it was funny. Half thought it would be a turn-off and ruin sales. Other options were "nefarious, malicious, conniving, unsettling," and a few others. Here's what I ended up going with:

Dena Harris is a freelance writer, humorist, and public speaker whose work has appeared in magazines and newspapers around the country. Her humor book, "Lessons In Stalking," recounts Dena and her husband's faithful service to their two cuddly if somewhat demonic cats and is available through her website at

Watcha think? I went with demonic but now I'm regretting it. Maybe it is too harsh. There might still be time to change it.

And don't go looking for the book just yet. I'm in the process of publishing.